Designed as icons for a Farming Simulator (think Stardrew Valley) meets Magic Battle Game (think Ni No Kuni: The Wrath of the White Witch), these icons are a collection of illustrated tiles. Each set starts with three greyscale sketches, then three colour roughs, followed by the final, painted illustration.
The Crow Familiar
Summon a crow familiar to help you in battle.
The Goo
Conjure up an animated pile of goo to help you fight off your enemies.
Health Potion
Conjure a health potion that will revive 1/2 of your health.
A quick buff of your mining stats for 30 minutes.
Soul Sucker
Encapsulate your enemies soul.
Sunflower Power
Attack your enemy with the power of the sunflower!
Scarecrow Diversion
Create a diversion scare crow, so your enemies have something else to attack.
The Wind
Blast your enemies with a powerful gust of wind!
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